CoScaRa Staff Webinar

April 30, 2024

Overview of the regular webinar:


Unless otherwise stated, the following times apply

Tuesdays: 2pm
Fridays: 1pm

date speaker

project leader

07.05. Wasilij Barsukow Klingenberg Active Flux: a compact high-order method with global continuity
07.05. Gunnar Birke Engwer Domain of Dependence stabilization for the wave equation on small cut cells in two dimensions
10.05. Sam Krupa Székelyhidi Large Data Solutions to 1-D Hyperbolic Systems, Ill-Posedness, and Convex Integration
14.05. Ferdinand Thein Thein On Non-Strict Hyperbolic Systems and Related Wave Phenomena
14.05. Georgy Zinchenko Schumacher Local precursors to anomalous dissipation in Navier-Stokes turbulence: Burgers vortex-type models and simulation analysis
17.05. Qian Huang Rohde Introduction to the statistical conservation laws: Preliminary trials and visions
28.05. Simon Markfelder Markfelder On Non-Uniqueness and Admissibility Criteria for the 2-D Compressible Euler Equations
28.05. Simon Görtz Oberlack Lundgren's pdf hierarchy in the context of homogeneous isotropic turbulence
31.05. Wenbin Zhang Adams Characteristic boundary conditions using ghost cells and their application in shock-turbulence interaction
31.05. Lukas Netterdon Torrilhon Fokker-Planck model for rarefied polyatomic gases
11.06. Niklas Kolbe Müller A relaxation scheme for coupled nonconservative hyperbolic systems 
11.06. Jan Friedrich Friedrich Conservation laws with space-dependent nonlocal flux: Numerical schemes and the singular limit problem
14.06. Louis Petri Ranocha Domain of Dependence Stabilization for Cut-Cell Meshes: Fully-Discrete Stability Analysis of Linear Problems
18.06. Zhuyan Tang Lukáčová Random compressible Euler equations: numerics and its analysis
18.06. Kiwoong Kwon Giesselmann A posteriori error analysis for nonlinear advection-diffusion systems
21.06. Changsheng Yu Lukáčová Random compressible Euler equations: numerics and its analysis
25.06. Insa-Marie Schneider Kuzmin Variational Multiscale Modeling for Finite Element Discretizations of Hyperbolic Problems
25.06. Simon Schneider Lukáčová Viscosity solutions and the stochastic collocation method for the Euler system
28.06. Škondrić / Violini


Weak-Strong Uniqueness for Inhomogeneous Navier-Stokes Equations
09.07. Sigrun Ortleb Ortleb Asymptotic preserving methods for kinetic equations based on IMEX upwind summation-by-parts schemes
09.07. Robert Lasarzik Lasarzik Energy variational solutions for hyperbolic conservation laws
12.07. Matthias Sroczinski Freistühler Global existence and decay of small solutions for quasi-linear second-order uniformly dissipative hyperbolic-hyperbolic systems
12.07. Veronica Montanaro Gorji Fisher entropic framework for monatomic Fokker-Planck model
16.07. Robert Sauerborn Oeffner Weak-Strong Uniqueness and Error Bounds for the Barotropic Euler System - Extension to the Korteweg model
16.07. Shaoshuai Chu Herty Local Characteristic Decomposition Based Path-Conservative Central-Upwind Schemes
22.07. Ilya Timofeyev   Stochastic Sub-Grid Flux Parametrization for Turbulent PDEs Using Stochastic Homogenization
26.07. Castern Moyo Breit Discontinuous Galerkin methods for the complete stochastic Euler equations


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